The Jacksonville Bar Association Young Lawyers Section is hosting its sixth-annual charity chili cook-off on Feb. 21 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Riverside Arts Market in Jacksonville. Prizes will be awarded for spiciest, meatiest, most original, best overall and the crowd favorite of chilies, and will also feature live music and drinks. There is an entry fee associated for the event for teams of chili cookers and all proceeds will benefit Friends of Jacksonville Animals, which aids Jacksonville's shelter animals. Attendees can taste and vote for their favorite chili at the event, which is the platinum sponsor of the event.
Please note that the chili cook-off will have a new venue and a new format this year. More information is still to come.
Former Jacksonville Bar Association president (2011 - 2012) Michael Freed recently joined Gunster as a shareholder in the Jacksonville office. Freed, who joined the business litigation practice, has immersed himself in the Jacksonville community with his involvement in Leadership Jacksonville, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid and the Federal Bar Association, Jacksonville chapter.