This year, a team of Gunster attorneys will once again present key industry insights at the 37th Annual Environmental Permitting Summer School, taking place July 18-21, 2023, in Marco Island.
Hosted each year by the Florida Environmental Network and the Florida Chamber Foundation, the conference is attended by more than 1100 attorneys, consultants, engineers, state and local government officials, developers, landowners and others with a strong interest in environmental issues in Florida. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain key takeaways on the latest environmental, energy and growth management laws, rules and programs affecting Florida!
The following Gunster attorneys will be leading these breakout and continuing education sessions this year:

Amy Boulris is an instructor for the Recent Developments in Property Rights session.
This course provides the latest state and federal legal decisions and any legislative actions affecting private property rights in Florida, takings jurisprudence, the Bert J. Harris, Jr. Private Property Rights Protection Act, and other government actions that affect private property. Read more.

Rick Burgess is a panelist during the two-part series entitled Florida Brownfields: A Comprehensive Technical, Regulatory, and Legal Update.
Part I will examine the current state of regulatory and financial incentives as well market dynamics, financing considerations, and other concerns that help private developers and local governments collaborate. Read more.
Part II will discuss applicable Florida and federal rules and best management practices presented by a leading panel of Florida experts who will also provide a replicable, scalable, and easy-to-follow path for private development principals, local government planners, lenders, and other brownfield stakeholders. Read more.

Debbie Madden is a panelist for the following sessions:
Comprehensive Watershed Management
The panel of experts will provide an in-depth examination of agency emphasis on watershed management as a means of comprehensively integrating a variety of planning and regulatory programs currently implemented by DEP and water management districts. Read more.
Wetland Jurisdiction Methodology: A State and Federal Update
Learn about how wetland jurisdiction is determined, and the subtle and not so subtle differences between Florida’s uniform statewide wetland methodology and Federal wetland methodology, and how these differences may or may not apply to your project after the state assumption of the Federal 404 program. Read more.

Robert Manning is an instructor for the New Developments in Florida’s Air Quality Regulations session.
This panel will provide an overview of major federal and state air quality legislation, rules, litigation, and initiatives, with a focus on how your normal business operations in Florida will be affected. This timely and informative course will examine EPA’s SIP Call regarding startup, shutdown and malfunction emissions and National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and PM2.5. Read more.

Greg Munson is an instructor for the Florida MS4 and NPDES Update session.
The panel of experts will provide a timely update on procedural and substantive considerations in permitting under the NPDES program, including stormwater; numeric nutrient criteria; program administration; case law update, including Sackett v. EPA regarding Waters of the U.S.; enforcement and citizen suits. Read more.

Eric Olsen is a panelist for the following sessions:
WMD Planning, Regulatory, and Policy Update
This course is designed to provide insight into the regulatory, planning, and water supply development programs of Florida’s five water management districts, and includes a discussion of water resource development and water supply planning; Read more.
Aquifer Recharge, Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Underground Injection Control and Potable Reuse
This panel will discuss the current status and issues involving Florida’s underground injection control (UIC) regulatory program that authorizes the injection of fluids into underground formations and aquifer recharge projects. Read more.

Mike Petrovich is a panelist and moderator for the following sessions:
Hot Topics/Emerging Issues in Waste Management
The last few years have seen a cascade of changes in contaminated media management, site cleanup and closures, as well as site redevelopment. There are also new emerging elements for site closures involving Water Management Districts that may be of significant consequence. Read more.
Florida Solid Waste Regulation Update
Florida has long been one of the nation’s leaders in effective waste management and recycling programs. Florida’s population is anticipated to reach nearly 26 million residents by 2030. How will the State address the waste management demands of these additional residents? Is there sufficient landfill capacity across the State for the decades ahead? Read more.

Luna Phillips serves as moderator for the following sessions:
Lake Okeechobee and the Estuaries: A Water Management Balancing Act
Part I will focus on the numerous developing issues affecting the Lake, including the new lake schedule “LOSOM” being implemented by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the ASR program north of the lake. Read more.
Part II will discuss Lake management decisions affect differing interests and obligations and the varying issues that must be balanced to make effective decisions. Read more.
The Essentials of Obtaining an Environmental Resource Permit: The Nuts and Bolts of ERP Permitting
This course will provide a detailed and in-depth breakdown of all aspects and components necessary for the environmental professional to obtain an ERP permit in an efficient and effective manner. Read more.

Timothy Riley is an instructor for the Emerging Extraction Industry Challenges and Opportunities session.
This panel will present the hot-button permitting, policy, and planning issues facing regulators, local governments, property owners, operators, and the public as related to mining operations and post-mining development. This course is particularly relevant for developers and large tract landowners or agricultural operators contemplating diversifying their portfolio, as well as policymakers, government officials, and oil and mining operators. Read more.

Beth Ross is an instructor for the two-part session entitled Central Florida Water Initiative Update.
Part I will explore innovative water supply projects that are emerging around Florida, including the CFWI, and the role of utilities and other significant water users now and into the future. Read more.
Part II will explore how Florida will be meeting future water supply needs via new or alternate funding and public acceptance of new technologies. Read more.

Brian Seymour is an instructor for the Comprehensive Planning and Growth Management Update session.
This update will cover any changes by the 2023 Legislature to comprehensive planning and DRIs, as well as pending changes in growth management programs and policies; discussion of the future of the regulation of DRIs, as well as large non-DRIs in Dense Urban Land Areas; evaluation of different approval processes for large scale development. Read more.

Mario Garcia-Serra will be attending the conference with the team. Mario serves on the Gunster’s board of directors and focuses his practice on local government law, particularly land use and zoning. He represents major developers before local government boards and regulatory agencies. He has wide ranging experience with the governments of Miami-Dade County and with nearly all of the municipalities within Miami-Dade County, as well as regional agencies such as the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the South Florida Water Management District.

Phil Sliger will also be attending the conference with the team. Phil supports a broad range of clients, including developers, utilities, agricultural interests, and public and private companies. Phil graduated last year from the University of Florida Levin College of Law. While in law school, he served as co-chair of the Public Interest Environmental Conference and through the Levin College of Law’s Conservation Clinic, gained practical experience partnering with clients on a wide range of environmental permitting and regulatory issues.
For further details and information, please visit the Florida Environmental Network website.